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Calling 911

SHEAS receives emergency calls through both Allegan and Van Buren county 911 centers. Both 911 centers are capable to directly dispatch SHAES through the radio system.

The Phone Call

Reflective Sign

When calling 911 remain calm, speak slowly and clearly. The 911 operator will ask the nature of the emergency to determine what services are required. Be prepared to provide the following:

  • Nature of Emergency
  • Address or Location
  • Phone Number
  • Your Name
  • Residence Description

The 911 operator will then provide you with additional instructions such as assisting with medical issues, leaving the residence in case of fire, etc.

Cell phone callers may be asked to stay on the line if your immediate location is not known. The 911 operator call use the cell phone system to learn your location, but this may take several minutes.

Van Buren 911 also has access to the Smart911 system. Smart911 provides additional critical information that you the caller provides and keeps updated. Create your account now.

Help Us Find You

There are ways you can assist us to quickly find your location.

  • Turn on a porch or house light.
  • Have someone stand at the end of the driveway to signal us.
  • Clearly mark your address at the driveway entrance or on the residence.

Behind The Scenes

Van Buren 911 CAD

Several steps will happen while you are making the phone call or shortly after. The 911 operator will enter all the necessary information into CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) system. The system will provide mapping and dispatch information for your location.

Motorola Minitor V Pager

SHEAS is notified by transmitting audio tones over the Van Buren 911 radio frequency. This will activate pager receivers carried by firefighters. After the tones the 911 operator will give a location and nature of the emergency.

The Response

SHAES response for a call of service will be determined by call type and resources needed as determined by SOGs (Standard Operating Guidelines).

Duty Response

A duty response utilizes the staff on station which may require 1 or 2 personnel. A medical requiring an ambulance, a burning complaint, or a carbon monoxide alarm will be handled by the duty crew.

Still Alarm

A still alarm utilizes a duty response with an addition of 3-5 paid on-call personnel. A motor vehicle accident, residential fire alarm, or car fire will be handled with a still alarm.

Click to Play Audio of a Still Alarm Dispatch

General Alarm

A general alarm may require all SHEAS resources and or personnel. All full-time and paid on-call are to respond. Potential or confirmed structure fires will require a general alarm.

Automatic Mutual-Aid

For the most part, SHAES and it's bordering fire departments have written agreements to supply personnel and equipment. This is driven by the type of call to service and the incident location. For an example, if the call for service was a structure fire in Geneva Township, a general alarm is sounded for SHAES, along with an immediate request for Columbia and Bangor Township Fire departments to respond.

Click to Play Audio of a General Alarm Dispatch

public/education/911.txt · Last modified: 2016/08/29 17:17 by quinntm